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Call Recording

Police Interview Recording

Business Systems offer reliable and secure Police Interview Recording suitable for all law enforcement agencies requiring accurate evidence as part of their interview process. 


Police Interview Recording That Works For You 

At Business Systems, we partner with one of the leading interview recording equipment providers, as well as developing our own software, working closely with law enforcement agencies to deliver productivity and performance improvements required to deliver high quality policing to the public.   

Our Police Interview Recording equipment has been deployed across many police forces, where the technology has positively changed the way police interviews and evidence are captured, stored, and retrieved. As well as this, benefits are seen in improved efficiency, reduced costs, as well as a foundation for effective staff training. 

Contact Centre Technology

Why Choose Business Systems? 

Because we are committed to transforming the way the public sector and law enforcement agencies work by pushing the boundaries of what is possible. 

  1. Over 30 years’ experience in using interview recording technology to drive business innovation  
  2. Interview recording delivery partner of choice for the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) Team  
  1. Interview recording managed service options for those requiring a hands-on approach 
  2. Range of professional services available post-implementation including project management, implementation, consultancy, and maintenance services 
  3. Average response time of 24 minutes 
  4. 24-hour service facility with a 365-day support capability

How can we help?