MiFID II & Mobile Call Recording Checklist - BSL Group

MiFID II & Mobile Call Recording Checklist

Author Business Systems UK
Date February 14, 2021
Category Mobile Call Recording

In January 2018, the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II) will take effect.  As the deadline looms closer it is important for Financial Institutions to  consider their options in order to comply.  

If not, they are likely to face tough challenges as well as hefty fines which could be easily avoided with the right preparation. 

If you’re still reading, then you’re probably a Financial Institution professional responsible for ensuring your organisation is ready. Perhaps you’ve started to consider the different solutions available, such as mobile call recording.

How are you coping? We’ve put together a mobile call recording checklist to help guide you on your route to MiFID II compliance. Think of us as your very own sat-nav. We hope you enjoy the ride. 

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