We know it’s trivia – but it’s also a bit of fun!
A big thank you to all those people who contributed with pictures of old style communications rooms
In our quest for the classic ‘early days’ of voice recording this is the best example so far. Our historical analysts went into overdrive on this one and suggestions put forward were; an early example of a Mauritanian call centre, the Chad Camel Futures Market and the control room for the Senegal flying squad.
However, living in the politically correct world of today, we decided that some of these might be deemed inappropriate and so erring on the side of caution all were rejected.
Our oldest and wisest techie (if grey hair is anything to go by) William Hall seems to think they are Philips VLS-6’s (6 channels per machine) and best guess of usage is Air Traffic Control. We think we know where these units are located but would rather not say. The reason being that it’s a long, tiring flight to Entebbe and we feel the last thing you need to worry about just before landing is the state of the control centre.
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