How the Public Sector can optimise your WFM - BSL Group

How the Public Sector can optimise your WFM

Author Business Systems UK
Date February 21, 2021
Category Public Sector Solutions

As for any organisation, employees are a Public Sector organisation’s biggest asset, but they are also their biggest fixed cost. Service does not stop at specific hours and unexpected peaks in demand can arise at anytime making overtime in the Public Sector a common occurrence. However, if not managed adequately, it can have a serious impact on operational costs as well as jeopardise employee morale and quality of work.

Being able to effectively optimise the workforce can deliver visible cost savings whilst improving the service provided to the customer.

It’s well known that keeping up to date with ever evolving technology can be a difficult task for the Public Sector due to tight budgets and lengthy processes. However, the capability of a solution like Workforce Management (WFM) to deliver a quick return on investment, reduce wasted time, improve workforce planning and improve employee engagement and productivity, makes the effort and investment well worth it.

WFM is an integrated set of processes that optimise the productivity of an organisation by matching employee skills to specific tasks over time and ensures the right number of staff, with the right skill set is available at the right time.

It helps organisations:

  • manage employee leave and absence
  • improve performance through optimised workforce planning scheduling
  • Improve overall workforce compliance
  • ensure scheduling fairness amongst employees
  • increase employee engagement through self-service and increased flexibility
  • increase visibility and insight into employee time
  • deliver reports and assess actionable business insight
  • provide visibility into employee real time performance against targets

In short, WFM allows organisations to gain the actionable insight they need to manage resource planning by better aligning actual worked hours to scheduled hours, and making more effective use of temporary labour and overtime.