Why Online Gambling Operators should bet on Voice Technology - BSL Group

Why Online Gambling Operators should bet on Voice Technologies

Author Business Systems UK
Date February 24, 2021
Category Call Recording Compliance

Gambling is one of the most scrutinised sectors as large amounts of money are being moved daily. New data released by the UK Gambling Commission reveals that the gambling industry has never been healthier, with Britons spending over £3.6 billion on online gambling, £3.3 billion on the National Lottery and £3.2 billion in betting shops.

Online or remote gambling has gained tremendous traction over the past decade, with advanced platforms, intuitive user interfaces and advanced self-serve capabilities. Still, the phone remains a popular channel especially for technical support issues, complaints as well as placing bets.

Consequently remote gambling operators need to be able to ensure high levels of service quality and compliance beyond their websites, to remain competitive in this thriving industry.

Voice technologies can offer operators the necessary business intelligence to meet compliance needs, improve operational efficiency and craft a strong dispute resolution strategy. In 2014 we talked about the benefits of call recording for remote gambling operators. Today we touch upon Speech and Interaction Analytics, a technology that is able to search and retrieve interactions by focusing on relevant content of the conversation and key terms and phrases that are used, even when the user, time, date and location are not known.

Adherence and Compliance

Dispute resolution. Misunderstandings or typing mistakes are not uncommon. If in doubt, Interaction analytics allows operators to quickly find and retrieve these interactions in order to rapidly correct the mistake. Equally, with operators being almost the sole entity responsible for handling customer complaints, having records of the interaction will help to quickly establish the validity of any claim.

Code of Conduct. Perhaps more importantly, Interaction Analytics can help monitor that customer service employees comply with regulations and players do not gain an advantage through unfair means; for example that no advice was given to the customer placing a bet. It is also extremely valuable in spotting any trends and preventing potential fraud by rapidly analysing speech patterns and picking up risky behaviours. In a similar manner, Interaction Analytics can be used to spot players at risk of gambling addiction and prompt customer service employees to direct them to helpful resources on responsible gaming.

Compliance. The gaming industry is under a lot of pressure to comply with a large number of regulations. For instance, new HMRC regulations mandate that all businesses offering online gambling to UK customers need to always be able to establish whether a customer is UK-based or not as well as ensuring no minors are placing any bets. Interaction Analytics can be used to not only to demonstrate that all the necessary checks were carried out before a bet was placed, but it can also be set up to trigger alerts and actions if mandatory criteria are not met.

PCI Compliance. Any organisation taking payments over the phone has the responsibility to protect the card holder from the risk of fraud by ensuring they have a system in place that provides payment card protection in line with PCI DSS guidelines. All new call recorders are PCI compliant, however, it’s important to note that even older call recordings need to meet PCI regulations. In our article ‘The Insiders’ Guide to Contact Centre PCI Compliance’, you will find everything you may need to know about what being PCI DSS Compliant really means.

Operational efficiency

Call recordings can become a gold mine of insights about customer satisfaction, customer churn, competitive intelligence, service issues, agent performance etc. But the sheer volume of phone calls exceeds the supervisors’ ability to manually review and analyse them effectively. Supervisor time is wasted in finding and listening to single calls that give no real understanding of key trends and issues. Interaction Analytics ‘listens’ to 100% of interactions, saving hours of management time, and quickly highlights areas of opportunity or concern, for example long calls and the conversations driving them, helping operators improve workflows and scripts and maximise productivity per agent hour.

Moreover, with Real Time Analytics supervisors can assist the front-line employees while they talk or chat with a customer, ensuring that the purpose of the interaction is fulfilled in the optimum way (resolution, handle time etc).

Customer and market insight

Interaction Analytics allows an organisation to discover the root causes of customer dissatisfaction by analysing all current and past interactions. It identifies trending hot topics and key phrases in customer communications to reveal patterns and pre-emptively address any areas of concern in order to avoid customer churn. In addition, Interaction Analytics can quickly pick up any mention of competitors and provide valuable marketing intelligence for the industry.
Through the information gathered with Interaction Analytics, organisations can set up data driven strategies to address key areas of concern and ensure efforts are directed towards main business priorities.


With Interaction Analytics it is easy and fast to uncover interactions that are below standard, hence allowing you to better understand each employee’s strengths and weaknesses and provide targeted training and coaching at an individual level.

In addition Interaction Analytics can also help improve employee performance through Real Time Guidance by picking up key words and sentiment while the interaction takes place and instantly advise them on how to better handle the call or chat.

Over time, properly focused training will return greater results. Leading organisations that have implemented interactions analytics within their call centres have reaped the benefits in every aspect of their interactions. Not only have they been able to quantify problems but they have also identified the underlying agent behaviours, fix processes accordingly and return better productivity and performance results. Of equal importance, these centres have managed to reduce agent attrition rates by being able to provide timely targeted training and coaching.