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Business Systems acquires BeVoice Data Systems

4 min read
Author Business Systems UK
Date Nov 1, 2007
Category Hosted Telephony

In a move that will significantly enhance its customer offering, Business Systems UK Ltd completed the acquisition in June of the voice and data software company BeVoice Data Systems Ltd. Business Systems’ core business is the provision of Call Recording and associated WO (Workforce Optimisation) services, whereas BeVoice specialise in hosted telephony solutions and systems integration.

Business Systems acquisition of BeVoice further strengthens the company’s offering of ‘in-network’ services through its subsidiary OPEX Hosting and greatly enhances its systems integration capability at the enterprise level.
BeVoice is best known for its in-network versions of soft ACD and dialler suites that are delivered to customers as hosted applications. The systems are VoIP based but are also compatible to traditional TDM telephony and mobile devices, which makes these truly distributive applications Today’s working practises require that uniform business applications are delivered to a variety of end points; traditional office, multi-location, homeworker and mobile devices. This demand can only be achieved with the flexibility of in-network services which are delivered as hosted applications and charged on a ‘usage-only’ basis. With no capital outlay, these advanced business tools are affordable to all organisations.

Stephen Owen managing director of BeVoice Data Systems comments: – “Under the OPEX Hosting brand, Business Systems have established an excellent reputation for core services. The addition of the BeVoice platforms will greatly enhance customer value which can be applied to both the UK and Global markets; this is a great opportunity for expansion.”

As the traditional Call Recording market continues to expand and morph into the more complex world of WO and ‘business analytics’, greater systems integration is a necessity. Richard Mill, managing director of Business Systems explains; – “Let’s not kid ourselves, WO is all about bottom line performance and call recording technology is becoming the call centre’s foundation stone on which WO is built. Greater systems integration through BeVoice allows us to deliver bigger pay-back to our customers – so with this deal everybody wins!”