Legacy Call Recording and Retrieval - Frequently asked Questions

Legacy Call Recording FAQs

11 min read

Can I integrate an existing legacy call recording system with a modern, up-to-date solution? 

Yes this is possible. With a multi-vendor centralised voice recording replay portal this solution will sit on top of any existing legacy (and also live) call recording systems. A solution such as this is able to access calls from multiple call recording systems, regardless of age, manufacturer or geographic location. This unique portal sits above live and legacy systems (cloud or on-premise), providing a single point of access for all recordings.

What are some of the benefits of simplifying your call recording infrastructure?

  • Eliminates support costs by only having to maintain one solution instead of multiple
  • Lower cost of ownership by eliminating internal resources dedicated to managing obsolete systems

  • Drives genuine competitive advantage through faster and more efficient call retrieval with one single user interface
  • Ability to manage retentions across multiple call recording platforms from a single point of access

What are some of the issues associated with having legacy call recording systems?

Legacy call recording systems can pose a number of different issues. Most common ones include:

  • Manufacturers ceasing support for the call recording system
  • Missing important product updates
  • Security vulnerabilities
  • Risk of component failure with no immediate resolution
  • Integrity and availability of recordings

Am I able to access my old call recordings if my system reaches end of life? (EOL)

If your system reaches end of life (EOL), accessing old call recordings is still possible, but a number of risk factors need to be considered. Once a system reaches EOL, many manufacturers cease support, meaning that if your system were to experience any problems it will be much more difficult and expensive to fix them and you could risk losing your recordings.

Additionally, it’s important to consider security and network vulnerabilities. As manufacturers no longer release important updates to EOL systems, this can leave them exposed to potential security breaches.

Is it more cost-effective for me to upgrade an old call recorder when it reaches end of life, or should I be looking at a new call recording system?

Both options are viable.

The benefits of upgrading your existing call recorder are:

  • Leverage existing licenses on your legacy system to get preferred upgrade pricing.
  • Some manufacturers offer integration of legacy calls into an upgraded call recording solution.

However, looking at a new call recording system is also important to consider in instances where you may have multiple live call recording platforms from different vendors. In this scenario, a unique portal (Wordwatch) can act as a single point of access to these systems. Once a system reaches EOL, the audio will still be accessible without relying on the legacy call recording platform.

The portal safeguards your legacy data and removes the risk and cost of any legacy hardware maintained on the estate, saving support costs and upgrades, ultimately being the most cost-effective way to upgrade your old call recorder.

 How would I extract my calls from an old call recording system?

Call extraction from old call recording systems can be achieved by a bulk export functionality which can automate extraction schedules from existing systems.

As part of the extraction project, a consultancy phase will ascertain the call volumes and data sizes. A bespoke process will then be created to extract the call metadata into a voice legacy retrieval platform such as Wordwatch. This metadata will index the storage location of the audio allowing Wordwatch to facilitate playback instead of relying on the legacy call recording platform.

Once the recordings and metadata have been extracted, you also have the option of inputting them into another system; for example a bespoke analytics and reporting engine.

Is there a way to extract data from my old legacy call recording system and keep the same file format?

Yes. With a unique legacy call recording retrieval and replay portal, call recordings can be kept in their original file structure and format, eliminating the risks related to the integrity of the recordings.

Some of my call recordings are stored on tape. What does the process of moving recordings from tape to a digital environment entail?

When moving call recordings from tape to a digital environment, the process should firstly be carried out in a secure environment where tapes can be stored and access to these tapes are only granted to those involved in the process, thereby avoiding tampering or loss of data.

The actual retrieval process starts with the tapes inserted into the retrieval server/logger. This can take anywhere from one to twelve hours depending on the tape type and size, number of recordings and any damage which may have been inflicted to the data.

Before retrieval a note of the date, time, folder name and tape number are kept in order to correctly match the data and find recordings once the migration is complete. The administration of each tape can take one to two hours.

What are some of the risks associated with having call recordings stored on tapes?

Tape Quality: If the tape is in poor condition, there is a high chance of not being able to retrieve calls. Tapes are prone to fast deterioration. If you have tape recordings that have been stored for longer than five years, it’s definitely time to think about retrieving the data stored on them as soon as possible.

Physical Space: Tape recordings take up physical space, and so they need to be kept in a secure location where they cannot be tampered with. Creating and maintaining safe physical environments, often result in elevated costs.

Accessibility: To find a specific tape recording, someone has to look on which tape the recording has been stored, then physically find the tape, put it in the appropriate audio machine and listen back to all the recordings to find the one needed. This process is likely to take days. It also adds to the wear and tear of tape degradation. Due to stricter regulations such as MiFID II, retrieving call recordings related to trades are now a serious FCA requirement and time constraints should not be an added risk.

If you need more advice on your call recording system then contact our team who can offer best practice advice and simplify your concerns