What is Call Quality Monitoring? - BSL Group

What is Call Quality Monitoring?

Author Business Systems UK
Date February 19, 2021
Category Call Recording Advice

What is Call Quality Monitoring? 

Call Quality Monitoring is when an individual or organisation takes the time to listen to and evaluate the phone conversations taking place between staff and customers in order to improve call handling, customer service, loyalty and revenue.  If an organisation has a call recording system in place these interactions can be reviewed by playing back the recorded calls. Where there is no call recording in an organisation, calls can be listened to and evaluated manually through live side-by-side monitoring.

To find out more about Call Recording, check out our article:
5 Benefits of Having a Call Recording System

Based on the monitoring and analysis of these interactions, staff can be measured, evaluated and coached to improve the quality of the calls and customer experience delivered. To make the process easier, quicker and more effective, specialist quality monitoring software applications can be incorporated into a call recording system to automate many of the manual tasks.

Purpose and features of Call Quality Monitoring software

Quality Monitoring applications enable organisations to formally score, evaluate and report on agent calls as a means to quantify the success of their interactions with customers. Its primary purpose is to improve agent performance to drive business revenue for the organisation.

Typical features in a Call Quality Monitoring system include; electronic evaluation forms, scoring and grading mechanisms built into evaluations and customised reporting capabilities. In the more advanced solutions there are agent learning centres, where calls can be tagged and notes added to assist with agent self-coaching and agent desktop screen recording to identify the on-screen activities which occurred during the call.

To find out more about Quality Monitoring solutions, check out our article:
What are the most popular Call Quality Monitoring solutions?

What benefits should it deliver for an organisation?

Among the many benefits quality monitoring can deliver, a high performing workforce is one. With the implementation of an effective QM system an on-going programme of coaching, development and improvement can be successfully embedded into the organisation. With more processes being automated as part of the QM programme, more time can be spent on agent coaching and fixing broken processes.

Quality monitoring (QM) also plays a vital role in empowering the QM team. With the rollout of a successful QM solution, the team can directly influence management decisions with insights taken directly from front line call quality monitoring. QM is essential for any organisation looking to uncover valuable insight into their business’ performance, determining areas for improvement and development.