Workforce Management: Calabrio Teleopti WFM MyTime App

Workforce Management: MyTime Mobile App

5 min read

Humanise the workplace series – Workforce Management (WFM)

MyTime Mobile App – Part 1

Employees today are looking for flexibility and availability to help meet their busy and complex lifestyle schedules. They want to be able to take control of their work patterns.

As an organisation, these factors need to be considered particularly with the millennial generation, resulting in improved employee engagement and a reduction in agent and customer attrition.

Call centre software such as Workforce Management (WFM) can help to encourage these values.  As well as helping to ensure the right staff with the right skills are available at the right time, with smart workforce planning, workforce management functionality also encourages a positive and motivated workforce.

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Calabrio Teleopti Workforce Management: MyTime Mobile App

With Calabrio Teleopti’s agent empowering self-service portal  – MyTime – (accessed via Mobile App & Web), agents are able to stay informed of their upcoming schedules as well as changes.

The portal not only works in line with ensuring targeted service levels, it also maintains a healthy work-life balance and creates a direct communication path between resource planners, supervisors and agents.

With Calabrio Teleopti WFM MyTime App, agents are able to:

  • Submit overtime availability
  • Trade shifts
  • Request holiday or absences
  • Receive swift authorisation which helps increase employee engagement and loyalty

Benefits of Calabrio Teleopti WFM MyTime App

  • Maintain a unified workforce

Ensure schedule information is up to date and synchronised, resulting in higher accuracy, better resource planning and less confusion or mistakes when it comes to work patterns

  • Achieve employee engagement

Humanise the process of scheduling by empowering your agents. Keep them informed of their schedule, allow them the responsibility of changing or trading shifts.

  • Embrace automation for efficiency

Automatically approve or deny shift requests and trades based on skill-traffic demand. Focus less on administration, but more on business needs and analytics.

  • Stress less

Agents won’t have to worry about waiting too long for request decisions.
*Agents can report all absences/illness through the app, meaning planners/supervisors are instantly updated in real time, ready to act in line with the day’s activities.

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About Calabrio Teleopti & Business Systems

As top global providers of Workforce Management, Business Systems (UK) Ltd and Calabrio Teleopti work together to provide across the board services in Workforce Management for operational consultancy, technical implementations and training, culminating in improved customer satisfaction, employee engagement and maximised ROI.