CyberTech - BSL Group


Leading support and upgrade options for CyberTech Call Recording systems. 

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Support and Recommended Call Recording Upgrades for CyberTech

Business Systems offers support and a range of recommended Call Recording upgrades for end of life CyberTech Call Recording systems. 

As a recommendation, organisations should consider upgrading their CyberTech solution to popular Call Recording products such as Red Box, NICE or Verint. 

If organisations have a number of aging voice recorders which they need to decommission whilst still needing to retain their call recordings then they should also consider our powerful voice data consolidation portal – Wordwatch. Wordwatch is specifically designed to decommission aging voice recorders and help organisations manage extended retention periods and disjointed silos of data.


Interactions Live 2021

Overview of CyberTech

As the UK’s leading service and support provider of Call Recording solutions, we pride ourselves on our service excellence and boast the UK’s largest and most experienced engineering resource. 

We have been able to help a significant number of customers ensure they receive the levels of ongoing service and support they deserve since NICE’s acquisition of Cybertech. In 2013 alone we acquired over 50 new customers for Cybertech support, including systems with over 1,000 recording channels. 

As the leading Call Recording experts, we support CyberTech Version 5 and Version 6 (also known as NICE Recording eXpress) and have worked with organisations with older versions of CyberTech to upgrade to the very latest model. This ensures the system can be fully supported and facilitates growth and expansion to the Call Recording estate where required.

Business Systems Communications and Workforce Engagement Solutions

Why Choose Business Systems?

Business Systems offers an independent and impartial approach to delivering Call Recording solutions. We partner with leading technology manufacturers such as NICE, Red Box, Calabrio and Verint. 

  1. Largest and most experienced team of Call Recording engineers in the UK
  2. 24-hour service facility with a 365-day support capability
  3. Ability to deliver Call Recording solutions globally with global support
  4. Independent approach allows us to recommend the best fit Call Recording solution for customers requirements 
  5. Over 30 years worth of experience in implementing and supporting Call Recording products 
  6. Partnerships with leading Call Recording manufacturers including NICE, Red Box and Verint


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