Verint Audiolog - BSL Group

Verint Audiolog

A flexible, modular, mid-range Call Recording solution for expanding or mixed requirements, with capacity to record between 4 and 180 channels per server. Verint® Audiolog™ can record voice, screen, radio and VoIP.

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Service and Support for Verint Audiolog

Verint Audiolog Call Recording systems can record voice, screen, radio and VoIP communication constantly, selectively or on-demand. The modular design enables organisations to easily and cost effectively add functionality, such as CTI integration, extra recording channels, or quality monitoring.

Audiolog recorders are mid-range Call Recording systems, supporting from 4 to 180 channels of recording per server providing a low cost flexible growth path for small to medium applications. They support any telephony infrastructure and all types of recording simultaneously, total/constant recording, selective for training or ‘record on demand’ for specific calls. Investment can be phased adding modules to record VoIP and screen activity as and when required without additional hardware investment.

If organisations have a number of aging voice recorders which they need to decommission whilst still needing to retain their call recordings then they should also consider our powerful voice data consolidation portal – Wordwatch. Wordwatch is specifically designed to decommission aging voice recorders and help organisations manage extended retention periods and disjointed silos of data.

men working on a sound board

Verint Audilog Overview

Verint Audilogs benefits include; lowering acquisition costs, minimal integration needed and a secure investment using modular design.

Key features of Verint Audiolog include:

  • Fully scalable: 8 to 96 analogue channels, 8 to 120 digital channels or 180 channels
  • via 6 x E1 ISDN
  • Playback call recordings via telephone, PC speakers or remotely over the LAN
  • Integrates with wide range of switches (PBXs)
  • CTI integration or inexpensive d-channel connectivity offers detailed call information
  • Wide choice of search parameters for retrieving calls
  • Failsafe voice recording using hot-swappable, mirrored 80Gb internal hard drive
  • Up to 21,000 hours of storage to hard drive before storage media needed
  • Automatic archiving to single or dual DVD-RAM drives
  • Open architecture, supporting familiar IT platforms: SQL database and Windows 2000
  • Single server design minimises points of failure and reduces the cost of acquisition and maintenance

With Verint Audiolog no longer being supported by its manufacturer, we recommend exploring our service and support options for discontinued products as well as range call recording solutions.

Call Recording Support

Why Choose Business Systems?

Business Systems offers an independent and impartial approach to delivering Call Recording solutions. We partner with leading technology manufacturers such as NICE, Red Box, Calabrio and Verint.

  1. Largest and most experienced team of Call Recording engineers in the UK
  2. 24-hour service facility with a 365-day support capability
  3. Ability to deliver Call Recording solutions globally with global support
  4. Independent approach allows us to recommend the best fit Call Recording solution for customers requirements
  5. Over 30 years worth of experience in implementing and supporting Call Recording products
  6. Partnerships with leading Call Recording manufacturers including NICE, Red Box and Verint
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