NICE Trading Recording (NTR) - BSL Group

NICE Trading Recording (NTR)

NICE Trading Recording (NTR) supports dynamic recording based on the compliance policies of financial institutions. It combines trading floor and back-office recording to create a comprehensive and resilient recording platform.

Top Tier Provider of NICE Trading Recording

Business Systems is a top tier provider of NICE Trading Recording NTR), equipped with one of the few NICE Service Centres of Excellence outside of Israel and the USA.  

With a strong heritage in providing Call Recording software to the financial sector including many Tier One Global Banks, Global Financial Brokers, Global Investment Advisors as well as Insurance companies, you’ll benefit from over 30 years’ worth of expertise and the largest NICE certified Voice Recording engineering resource base, to ensure a seamless installation and integration with our suite of NICE Call Recording products. 

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Why Businesses Use NICE Trading Recording

  1. Securely Capture and Store Recordings – NTR provides the highest level of secure storage, complying to key regulatory requirements (fail-safe data storage) to secure all audio files against unauthorised alteration or editing.
  2. Scalable Architecture – Easily deploy and grow the platform as recording needs change, allowing firms to standardise a single platform across their locations reducing complexity, management resource and cost of ownership.
  3. Comprehensive Recording – Empowers trading floors to actively record,monitor and access recorded interactions, and adhere to global regulatory requirements by combining Trading Floor and Back-Office recording.
  4. Capture All Communications – Ensure there is no single point of failure throughout the capture system, protecting firms against operational failures that could lead to loss of recording.

Key Features

With NICE Trading Recording, you’ll be able to meet the stringent financial regulatory demands and achieve a compliant operating environment that meets organisational and customer needs.

  1. Standard Storage and Archiving - Supports WORM compliant archives (e.g. Hitachi, IBM) with real-time archiving capabilities (archived to standard SAN/NAS).
  2. Complete Recording Capabilities - Recording of all input types with the ability to monitor calls in real-time, combining fixed lines and mobile phones.
  3. Selective Call Deletion - Schedule deletion for marked or expired calls whilst retaining call data even for deleted calls.
  4. Flexible Call Search - Locate calls using any combination of: call duration, marked calls, date and time, user name,CLI/dialed number, notes fields, channel, call direction and much more.
  5. Comprehensive Resilience - Complete active secondary system (2N Active-Active), N+1 & N+M solutions with disaster recovery solutions playback.

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